When it comes to skincare products, there’s an overwhelming amount to choose from. Every day, new things are coming out that are supposed to help our skin look and feel better. It can be tempting to find the flashiest products and the most over the top ways to take care of ourselves when there’s so much available to use. However, many of us are lacking the basics that are the most important. One product that everyone should be using regularly that can sometimes be overlooked is a goodbody lotion.
Mituri Pradip Sharma with Nim-Véda told us that the key to a good body lotion is staying as natural as possible. "We strongly promote the use of natural ingredients as what you put on your skin is absorbed into your bloodstream within a couple of seconds - less that 2 minutes to be exact. We believe that Mother Nature has provided us with all the ingredients we need to protect ourselves and ensure our spiritual, physical and emotional health."
This might seem simple, but using body lotion frequently is exactly what your skin needs to stay moisturized and look great. However, you have to be sure the lotion you’re using has the right ingredients in it so that you can actually get the benefits of using lotion. Many skin types are sensitive, so the best ingredients to have in body lotion are often natural. If you aren’t familiar with all of the ingredients you should be looking for, here are the healthiest ingredients your body lotion should have.
If you look at any natural beauty routine, you’ll likely find coconut oil in it. Coconut oil is incredibly moisturizing, which makes it the perfect ingredient to have in body lotion. For some skin types, coconut oil might not be great to put in your face, but everyone can benefit from applying it to the rest of the body. Coconut oil can also help give you better skin fast because of how quickly your skin is able to absorb it. With coconut oil in your lotion, you’re giving your skin a better chance at locking in its natural moisture and the moisture coming from your lotion.
Your skin needs vitamin E to be as healthy as possible, so this is one ingredient you should always be on the lookout for. In fact, your whole body relies on getting a good dosage of vitamin E to be at its best. Vitamin E is great for moisturizing your skin, but it does much more than just this. This is also a well-known antioxidant, which everyone should be incorporating into their skincare routine. Many of our skin issues, like aging, come from environmental stressors and sun damage. By using an antioxidant like vitamin E, you can help repair the damage that’s already been done to your skin and help prevent more damage from occurring so that you can have healthy skin all over.
People of all skin types love using hempseed oil for its variety of benefits. As a popular ingredient in many lotions, it's known for being a natural moisturizing ingredient, but it’s helpful even if you don’t have dry skin. This is also a beneficial oil to use if you have naturally oily skin, as it can help moderate the amount of oil your skin produces. If you struggle with red, inflamed skin, hempseed oil may also help keep it calm. The moisturizing properties found in hempseed oil can also be helpful for reducing and preventing signs of aging.
You can find mineral oil in a variety of great skin-hydrating products that you likely use often. The main benefit of having mineral oil in lotion is that it’s extremely moisturizing and can soften your skin quickly. When you apply mineral oil to your skin, you’re creating a type of barrier that keeps moisture in and helps keep things like dirt out. Mineral oil is also great when it’s used in addition to many of the other ingredients found in body lotions. Mineral oil can also be beneficial for those who have skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. Mineral oil gets a bad rap, but it's a great ingredient for hydration.
Sunflower oil might not be something you see as often as the other ingredients listed, but it’s one that everyone should learn more about. While all skin types can use sunflower oil, it’s especially good for people with dry skin. This is another great ingredient to use if you have eczema. Like hempseed oil, sunflower oil is the ideal ingredient for calming down the skin to improve its appearance. You can also find vitamin E oil in sunflower oil, so you’re able to get the benefits of that as well.