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Balancing Ayurvedic Doshas with Essential Oils

November 09, 2020 2 min read

Balancing Ayurvedic Doshas with Essential Oils

Ayurveda is the “Science of Life,” a holistic form of health and wellness that began some 4,000 years ago. It began in India but can be found all over the world. Although Ayurveda is often associated with the Hindu religion, it can be practiced by anyone and inspired many of the world’s modern healing processes. 

The doshais responsible for physiological and psychological processes in the human body. There are three doshas: vata. pitta,and kapha.A person’s mind-body type, also called a prakruti, is determined based on the ratio of doshas within the body. This type doesn’t change throughout your lifetime and is based on your parent’s dispositions. It is said to determine your physical characteristics and emotional behavior.

Your prakrutiis named after which dosha is most apparent in your balance.

Prakruti 1: Vata

The vata dosha represents motion, which means everything from blood running in our veins to breathing and digestion. People who are vatas tend to be creative, enthusiastic, and generous. Their physical appearance tends to be slender and thin. The vata’sdominant element is wind, supported by ether.

The vata dosha becomes dry and cold when irritated, causing fear, stress, and anxiety. To balance this dosha,essential oils are used that are warm and sweet. Good examples of warm, calming oils to use include cinnamon, oregano, patchouli, geranium, and clove.

Signs of an unbalanced vata include:

  • Often anxious/worried
  • Tired but unable to sleep
  • Digestive issues
  • Negative thoughts
  • Indecisiveness
  • Short attention span
  • Constant dry throat and skin

Prakruti 2: Pitta

The pitta dosha represents transformation, including regulating body heat and transforming food into energy. People who are pittas tend to be the average build and run hotter than average. They are typically ambitious, focused, and confident. The pitta’sdominant element is fire.

The pitta doshabecomes hotter when irritated. To balance this, essential oils are used that are cooling and calming. Examples of pitta-balancing essential oils include lavender, clary sage, and ylang ylang.

Signs of an unbalanced pitta include:

  • Overly critical & irritable
  • Constantly hot or thirsty
  • Low tolerance for annoying situations
  • Often feel frustrated and may have outbursts of anger
  • Sarcastic and argumentative

Prakruti 3: Kapha

The kapha dosha represents our structure (cells, tissues, and organs) and moisturizes them. People who are kaphas tend to be patient, loyal, and affectionate. They are typically solid in frame, either tall and strong or small and sturdy. The kapha’sdominant element is water, supported by earth.

The kapha doshabecomes slow, heavy, and cold when irritated. To balance the kapha, essential oils that are warming, stimulating, and lightening are used. Examples of good essential oils to use include orange, cinnamon, clove, and eucalyptus.

Signs of an unbalanced kapha include:

  • Weight gain without an obvious reason
  • Constant tiredness
  • Lethargy after eating
  • Difficulty with change

By balancing your doshas with essential oils, you may find your mind, body, and soul in more harmony. Essential oils tend to have a calming, relaxing effect that helps to soothe the doshas and to create inner peace. You can visit ayurvedadosha.org to learn more about doshas and to take a quick quiz to find out your own dosha. There is much more to learn, and everything interacts together to create your personal characteristics.